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Tennis (Girls)

Girls standing with tennis rackets by fence

Tennis Try-outs -TBD.   All Athletes must have OHSAA Physical Form in order to participate in try-outs.

Liberty and Hopewell Junior schools compete as a combined Lakota East Junior School tennis team. Practice will take place at Liberty Junior.

Final Forms

Lakota uses Final Forms for all athletic registration and paperwork.

Athletic Fees are $225.00 for junior school students per sport. A family cap is available for junior and high school students participating in extracurricular athletics and marching band.

State guidelines mandate that all athletes must have a physical before trying out for any team. Physical forms are due prior to any practice/open gym/conditioning or tryout. It is important to note that physicals are only valid for one year from the issue date; therefore, to ensure your child meets the requirements for the entire school year, we recommend that you schedule this physical in May/June/July for the current school year.