WE are Empowered

Group of smiling students holding EMPOWERED sign

Every Lakota student is part of a learning community dedicated to meeting each child's needs through evolving personalized learning experiences and opportunities.


We value our rich history of pairing talented staff with quality tools and resources to support each student's learning and will continue to do so as we move forward in providing a student-centered education at Lakota. Expanding access to innovative instructional approaches and new learning opportunities, purposefully supported by technology, is the basis of the WE are Empowered program at Lakota. 

Students in grades 3-12 have access to their own Chromebook to enhance personalized learning. While students in grades 7-12 are able to take their device home, those in grades 3-6 have access to dedicated devices at school.

In addition, innovation hubs provide a modern space for student learning through technology, collaboration and creativity.

Lakota's 1:1 program supports the development of key student skills and responsibilities necessary to safely and effectively navigate the digital transformation of today and the highly-skilled, technology driven global world of tomorrow.

We are also empowering each teacher with specially designed professional development to support the facilitation, guidance and personalization of student learning with proven and innovative approaches, many supported by technology, to enhance lessons, projects, problem solving and assignments.



window with logo

Virtual reality, 3D printing, green screen video stations and flexible spaces and furniture that support collaboration define the Innovation Hubs at Lakota Local Schools.

These innovative learning spaces also provide direct support to staff and students for the WEareEMPOWERED initiative through a Help Desk that students can visit for any assistance with their Chromebook, including care, usage, charging and hardware support. 

The Hub is also a place for staff and students to find support around the use of instructional technology from innovation specialists. These dedicated members of Lakota's Team Inspire work to empower student leaders with a desire to become experts in our district and provide resources and tools along assisting in the use of the space.

Frequently Asked Questions

Meet Our Team

Tammy Loyal

Tammy Loyal is the Innovation Specialist at Liberty Junior. She has been with Lakota School District since 2016.

Tammy is available to assist students at Liberty Junior with any questions or concerns regarding all library resources, such as books, digital media, or use of the green screen room for recording projects for class. Tammy can also help with any questions or concerns related to the performance of their Chromebook as well. You can contact Tammy via email or phone. 

Learn more how Lakota Local Schools is empowering and engaging students through the support of technology.