Drop Off and Pick Up Routines
AM Drop Off: If you are dropping off a student in the morning, please enter the parking lot off of Dutchland Parkway. When entering the parking lot, please stay to the right and in line with the other cars. Pull your car all the way up, so we can use the entire sidewalk as a drop off lane. All students should be dropped off in the line right beside the sidewalk. As soon as you are adjacent to the sidewalk and the line has stopped moving, PLEASE have your student exit the vehicle - do not allow them to stay in the vehicle to try to get closer to the door. This just slows the entire process and results in students being late to school. Remain in line and make a large loop and exit the lot onto Dutchland Parkway (again staying to the right). Please do not drop off students anywhere in the parking lot except next to the sidewalk. If students are walking through the parking lot, it is unsafe with all of the moving vehicles and it slows the process when students walk in front of the drop off line. You may drop your student off at school as early as 6:30 AM. I have added a map for clarification.
PM Pick Up: Upon arriving to school, please park your vehicle in a parking space. Your child can walk to your car in a parking space. If people do not park their car in a parking space and just form a line, it blocks other vehicles from leaving their parking space. Please be courteous to others and park you vehicle. Thank You!